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                                                                                                             In my choice of studying game design, I was                                                                                                              first of all motivated by my nature of                                                                                                                            passionate gamer. Dead Man Dan wants to                                                                                                                be a humble non-profit tribute to one of the most                                                                                                     important games in my gaming life.


                                                                                                            I started developing it in August 2016, alone,                                                                                                               modeling, texturing and animating on                                                                                                                           Blender, then importing to Unity and here                                                                                                                   writing the necessary code.


                                                                                                            When the NuraxInteractive team found the 3D                                                                                                             artists we now have, DMD became a side                                                                                                                   project for them too, and now I cooperate with                                                                                                             them on graphics, while managing on my own the code and, in general, the Unity project.


Everything that is called and will be called prototype in the future news and updates is made by me, and here I collect my most significant countributions to the project.



Sir Daniel Fortesque protoype

I presented the project for the first time at Svilupparty 2017, in Bologna.

For the event, I prepared a cinematic trailer: everything (camera, animations, cuts and texts) was handled by the engine.

This has been my first approach to the cinematic side of Unity.

The first thing I worked on, when I had a first working model of Dan, was the controller setup, with a Soulslike camera rotating around the character and a smooth control handling walk, run and jump. 

Because of the various updates I regularly make for the mesh and the animations, I designed the code to suite any new iteration of Dan's model.

I kept working on cinematic, camera managing a cutscene setup with the Intro scene, showing Zarok's Lair at the sunset and him inside his laoratory, while he plans an attack to Gallowmere.

I am paying much attention to the original colour palette and to the clouds, which are currently made with Unity standard duststorm particle material.

The run and walk animations for Dan's prototype have been changed and polished through entire months. I tried not only to replicate the burtonian style of the original animations, but also to implement the stretch-n-squash rule of animation.

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